How to sew clothes
Learn to sew is a gradual process begins by learning how to take proper measurements. As we know that each individual has a unique body shape. Without accurate measurement of the sewing is definitely not showing the features of body conformity.
For those who want to learn how to sew a new need to know how to draft a pattern according to a precise measurement. Facilitate the preparation of your pattern to cut fabric. Apart from the need to understand the characteristics of a fabric to the effect that creative. Kepadanan clothing depending on the cut parts. Section that is not balanced will attract attention and certainly not comfortable to wear.
However, how to sew baju kurung or baju Malays do not need the pattern, but only just fold and cut. This is because the cut parts are straight except at the neck. What is important is how to stitch or sewing technique must be understood first.
If we follow the procedures how to prepare a systematic and accurate in making clothes, the result looks beautiful when it matches the wearer. Serial adder to dress like beads and embroidery stitches to be an asset in the fashion industry today. To be, or how to sew beads embroidered into the source of their innovative line of interest in carrying.
How to measure and measure
1. Neck
2. Chest width
3. Breast point
4. Back width
5. Breast
6. Waist
7. Shoulder across
8. Back waist length
9. Exquisite clothes
10. Skirt length
11. Gown length / Pants
12. Back length
13. Hips circumference
13(a). Abdomen circumference (13.13(a)*Take measure of the stomach if it is greater than the measurement around buttocks buttocks)
14. Hip length
15. Crotch
16. Shoulder
17. Sleeve length
18. Biceps
19. Palm circumference
20. Wrist circumference